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Playful Free-Form Embroidery
You will find 6 fun hand-embroidery projects on felt or wool with full-sized patterns and step-by-step pictorial directions in Playful Free-form Embroidery. Bright and lively project designs include a whirling paintbrush, a dancing bird, teacups tipping, flowers blooming, a fuzzy sheep, and a happy acorn nut house. With the free-form embroidery approach, you can either follow the given directions or allow your imagination to run wild and improv your own additions—there is no right or wrong!
See a preview of the 6 projects here.
See Fabric and Thread Stitch Kits for the projects here.
Joyful Stitching: Transform Fabric with Improvisational Embroidery
Enjoy the delightful world of embroidery and learn how to create small, free-form embroidery pieces that are alive with color and texture. With instructions for 21 embroidery stitches and 6 projects, all in Laura’s signature colorful, whimsical style, you’ll transform a flat, plain surface into a joyful, design-packed art piece. Stitch on wool, felt, or silk, and enjoy the simple pleasure of slow stitching. Includes a gallery of artwork and display ideas.
See a preview of the 6 projects here.
See Fabric and Thread Stitch Kits for the projects here.
Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts
Enjoy 11 fused applique projects featuring houses like a gardener’s cottage on the cover. You are given patterns for each design and shown an easy pattern transfer process for fused fabrics.
Please visit C&T Publishing for a print on demand or ebook version of the book. Or sign up for my online class on Creative Spark, Little Bird and Daisies, and receive an ebook version of the book as a bonus.
Fusing Fun: Fast Fearless Art Quilts
Make fun, fast art quilts with fusible web. This book is great for learning all the basics of creating fused art quilts from start to finish. Projects range from simple to complex and pictorial to abstract.
Please visit C&T Publishing for a print on demand or ebook version of the book. Or sign up for my online class on Creative Spark, Fused Art Quilts: Tiny Homes, and receive an ebook version of Fusing Fun: Fast Fearless Art Quilts as a bonus.
Leaves in a Whirl Instructional DVD and Pattern
Learn fusing tricks of the trade and create this beautiful leaf quilt at the same time. The Leaves in a Whirl package includes complete instructions, pattern, and a DVD showing you the fast construction process step-by-step.
Like taking a class with Laura, learn quick pattern transfer, bias fusing, and the value of hand-embroidered textures. See variations of this leaf pattern that you can adapt to your own designs. It’s a delightfully easy project!
Now on sale for $5!
Fuse and Tell Journal Quilts
Create your own story in cloth. Transform your musings, doodles, and snapshots into these small, fun-to-make journal quilts.
There are 6 complete projects plus bonus materials to make your own one-of-a kind art quilts. Learn new fusible techniques like bias fusing, cheesecloth fusing, fused trapunto, and the wrapped binding using Timtex or Fast2fuse.
Please visit C&T Publishing for a print on demand or ebook version of the book.