Fusing Fun: Fast Fearless Art Quilts

Fusing Fun: Fast Fearless Art Quilts by Laura Wasilowski

The 7 projects in Fusing Fun! Fast, Fearless Art Quilts range from easy flower quilts to the more complex “woodcut” quilt. Each project shows several variations for even more art quilt ideas. There is also a gallery of fused quilt art by other artists to inspire your next art work.

Please visit C&T Publishing for a print on demand or ebook version of the book. Or sign up for my online class on Creative Spark, Fused Art Quilts: Tiny Homes, and receive an ebook version of Fusing Fun: Fast Fearless Art Quilts as an bonus.

Why I Choose to Fuse

An excerpt from the book, Fusing Fun

For me, fusing is the most direct route from a design idea to the implementation of that idea. I can proceed directly to the creation of quilts without stopping for technical roadblocks such as cutting templates, measuring seam allowances, piecing, or matching points. When those traditional construction methods are bypassed, the constraints on my creativity dissolve. My quiltmaking becomes less restricted, more inventive, loose, and free.

My method of creating fused art quilts is quite simple. I cut directly into fused fabric as if cutting a piece of paper. Scissors or rotary cutters become my drawing tools.
I seldom measure the fabrics I cut. It’s very liberating to be free of measuring fabric; it’s like estimating your weight rather than standing on the scale. I rely upon my eyes to set intuitive limits, and I trust my sense of play and improvisation to guide my hands. That way, the shapes I cut are uniquely my own.

In fusing, there are no sewn seams to limit the shapes I cut. The fabrics overlap each other, and the fusible web seals them together like glue on paper. I can easily cut, alter, move, layer, and reassemble the shapes.

From idea to end product, my creativity is focused on the design. When I fuse, I can work quickly. As a result, I produce more quilts. And the more quilts I make, the more I can explore and grow as an artist.

So why do I choose to fuse? I fuse because it’s easy. It’s fast, it’s free, and it’s fun! I fuse because fusing invites improvisation and grants endless possibilities.

So join the revolution and come fuse with me!

Fusing Fun! Fast Fearless Art Quilts
by Laura Wasilowski

Yes, you can create an art quilt in a weekend with Fusing Fun! Fast Fearless Art Quilts by Laura Wasilowski. Give your sewing machine a rest and design as you go – no measuring, no math and no sewing needed except for quilting and binding. You can even fuse your way to finishing, binding, and displaying your art!

Reviews of Fusing Fun: Fast, Fearless, Art Quilts

By: Barbara Delaney, Quilting Arts Magazine – March 1, 2005

“A colorful, whimsical guide to fusing art quilts. The author … believes (fusing) is the most direct route from design idea to project completion. Seven projects (are) presented in such a way that even the newest quilter can be successful. (Laura says) there is no wrong way to free-cut fused fabrics, and encourages readers to develop their own style.
I recommend this book for those who are looking for something new to try and for those who are just getting their feet wet. The results are quite inspiring!”

By: Anne Scott, New Zealand Quilter – April 1, 2005

Essentially a no-sew process (you can even fuse your binding!), this is great for beginners and children.

Quilting Arts Magazine – April 1, 2005

Seven projects, presented in such a way that even the newest quilter can be successful.

QNM – September 1, 2005

Enroll at the mythical Chicago School of Fusing and enjoy Laura’s trademark blend of whimsy, color, and design.

Quilter’s Review – August 1, 2005

All of your quilts will be uniquely yours with Laura’s guidance from start to finish.

Library Journal – August 1, 2005

An excellent book for the fabric collage novice; enthusiastically recommended for public library quilting collection.