A Tasty Quilt to Share

Produce Department #3 by Laura Wasilowski

Let the apple-picking begin! Autumn is near and a favorite time of year to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Or in my case, to go to a produce stand and buy fruits of labor grown by someone else. I love a fresh picked-apple, although I’ve never had success in growing an apple tree.

My Dad’s apple orchard contained several apple varieties, including the famous Prairie Spy version. In the fall, I would walk through the orchard on the way home from school and grab a sweet apple to eat. So good!

The only success I’ve had with growing apples is quilts about apples like Produce Department #3. The apple is created with a collage of fused fabric scraps surrounded by fresh colors to whet your appetite. If you’d like to add this fancy apple to your collection, here is more information.