Needle Weaving

In Needle Weaving, the idea is to create a thread structure that screens or creates a mesh across the background fabric and sits on the surface as a bold texture. It acts as a grid pattern to emulated window panes or tile or even cobble stones on a small quilt like the detail above.


Here’s how I make my Needle Weaving: make a row of vertical straight stitches about 3/4″ long and about 1/8″ apart on the fabric. These are the “warp” for your Needle Weaving. Make sure it is an odd number of warp threads like 5, 7, or 9.  Bring the needle and thread up at point A about 1/8″ down and to the right of the warp. Weave the needle across the warp threads by placing it over and under and over and under the vertical threads. Insert the needle at point B and draw the needle and thread through the fabric.

Next bring the needle and thread up at point C which is about 1/8″ down from point B. Weave the needle across the warp threads starting at the left side going under and over and under and over the vertical threads. Insert the needle and thread at point D (about 1/8″ down from point A) and draw the thread through the fabric. Repeat weaving horizontally across the warp threads until filled in.

As you can see Needle Weaving combines 2 art forms: the embroidery stitch and weaving. That must make it a “cross over” art form. Cross over, get it? (But, I amuse myself.)