Stick to These Glues

Self Portrait #2 by Laura Wasilowski

Thank you all for participating in the “big hand give-away” in the previous post. I’ve contacted the lucky winners and we now move on to discuss a topic near and dear to my heart, fusible web.

Fusible web has been around longer than dirt! Remember Stitch Witchery for hemming trousers? Remember trousers?

Fusible web is a dry glue activated by the heat of an iron and is used to glue 2 pieces of fabric together. It’s also my favorite method of creating art quilts.

Without naming names, there are several brands of fusible web to avoid if you are making fused quilts. Some brands are like plastic and sink into the fabric staining it. Some are bulky, have a tackiness that picks up fibers, or gum up your needle when stitching. These brands have their uses but are not for the fabrics we use when making quilts.

There are several brands I do recommend, however. I think you’ll find them useful for making your next art quilt:

Pressing Matters by Laura Wasilowski

Many of you are dedicated fusers and you have the dirty iron to prove it. No matter what brand you use, I hope fusing will give you hours of hot fun!